
The Ultimate App for Boosting Revenue and Customer Loyalty in F&B Businesses

The app designed to help F&B operators increase their revenue and profits.With our easy-to-use feat
we make it simple for you to keep your customers engaged and coming back for more.


Top-up Scheme

Helps increase the average spend customer, leading to greater revenue for your business.

Messaging System

Helps increase the average spend per customer, ultimately leading to greater revenue for your business.

Referral System

Expand your customer base and boost your revenue with Revify’s referral system for F&B businesses.

Easy-to-Use Interface

Streamline your F&B operations and delight your customers with Revify’s easy-to-use interface.

Customizable Promotions

Stand out in your F&B industry with Revify’s customizable promotions for targeted marketing and increased sales.

Download Our App Now

By using Revify, you can take your F&B business to the next level and unlock new opportunities for growth.


Contact Us

Don’t hesitate to contact us for any information.

Agencies’, Agents’ & Hosts’ enquiries greatly welcomed.